What we will learn:

  1. Challenges with work
  2. Right solution for the right problems
  3. What is Agility
  4. Levels of Agile adoption
  5. The impact of agility on business and people.

Time: Workshop is one hour long online

Price: Complementary (This workshop is for organizations)

You can request it for your company by filling this form.

About the trainer:

Musab is a consultant with more than 14 years of professional experience and is an Agile and digital transformation expert. He works on designing cultures and environments where true innovation and collaboration can happen. He is the founder of Agile Jordan and held positions as Chief Operating  Officer (COO) with Salalem e-learning and a product manager at the Royal Hashemite Court. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/musabbarakati/